How it works
How many pages do I choose?
A standard double spaced page is about 275 words. A singe spaced page is 550 words. Depending on how many words you need in your assignment, select the required amount of pages.
When can I expect to receive the paper?
The paper will be ready by the deadline you indicate in the order form. The writer will provide the first version of the paper for you. If you need any changes, additional time may be required.
Can I pay after I review the completed paper?
Our service is pre-paid as we have to guarantee our writers get paid for the work they do. However, we have a flexible policy, which allows you to send the paper back for revision completely free of charge up to three times.
What happens after I place the order?
After you place the order and make a payment, you can keep track of the status through the status bar of the order in the control panel of our website. Just login and send a message to the writer for an update.
What’s included in the price of the order?
The price of the order includes the number of pages/slides that you order as well as a title page and reference page if they are needed per the format of the assignment.
What is authorization?
Our world is unfortunately full of credit card fraud. To protect you from misuse of your payment details, we simply authorize your payment to make sure you are the owner of the card and are aware of the transaction.
Do you have any discounts?
Yes, we have regular email campaigns with special offers for different clients. One you start placing orders, you will also receive bonuses with which you can pay for future orders.
What can I pay with?
The payment is made through a secure online payment system and accepts most credit card types including Visa, MasterCard, Discover and others.
Where will I get my completed paper?
The final paper will be available in the control panel. If you are happy with the completed work, just approve it and you will be able to download it in doc/docx format.
Can I request changes to the paper?
Yes, you have up to three free revisions for every order.
How can I be sure there’s no plagiarism?
We check the paper through several plagiarism systems before sending them to you, so you can be confident in your order’s originality. Moreover, you can request a plagiarism report to be uploaded for you if you wish.