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How to Make Your Writing Sound Powerful

How to Make Your Writing Sound Powerful

In modern days of a fast-paced society, no one has time to read lengthy texts. Everyone wants to receive necessary information here and now, without any delay.


This is especially relevant in terms of digital media, which gently but confidently forces our generation to acquire lazy writing skills.

Even though the majority of digital platforms have infinite space for various ruminations and thought expressions, internet users tend to shorten their writings to a bare minimum. There’s no place for extra words now so here are several ways of how to concisely get your point across to your audience.

Don’t Overuse “I” and “We”

It’s better to limit first-person references because reportedly, readers are likely to perceive writers who use a lot of “I” and “we” as those people who are self-conscious, shy and unassertive. Don’t overuse these pronouns and insert them only if it’s relevant.

Get Rid Off Weasel Words

Even though it may seem that weasel words make you sound authoritative, it is highly recommended to avoid them. In fact, these phrases make a reader doubt in your words because you don’t give a direct answer and your statement is inconclusive and vague. If you’re tempted to say “with all due respect”, “researchers believe”, “that being said” or “most people think”, don’t go that path or you risk losing your credibility. Just stay away from weasels and write what you really mean.


Limit Intensifiers

Similarly to weasel words, overuse of qualifiers and intensifiers brings the opposite effect. Keep in mind that such words as e.g., generally, particularly, rather, very, quite, too, very, so are better to be avoided if you don’t want the meaning of your text to become minimized instead of intended exaggeration or strengthening.

Cut Out “To Be”

“To be” together with passive voice weakens the impact of your writing. For an easy-to-read text, eliminate all forms of “to be”. If you find it difficult, try to write the first draft without concentrating on what voice you use. Then, go through the material and swap passive voice to active. Even if you’re convinced that it’s not possible, look through your writing once again, make those changes and enhance the credibility of your writing.


Question Prepositions

Too many prepositions in the text may confuse your reader and the stream of your thoughts can become hard to follow. Multiple usages of with, in, on, after, to tend to bring some choppiness to the text so resist using the prepositions too much if you want to improve your readers’ experience and successfully get your point across.

The above-listed pieces of advice are applicable in online communication while printed publications will have their own specific instructions on how to effectively convey the message. Anyway, practice makes perfect so no matter what type of writing you deal with, keep your skills sharp to produce truly great results time after time.

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