When applying to a college, you have to provide a pack of documents and may be you need an appliation essay. As a rule, the list includes your scores, recommendations,…
In academic writing, plagiarism is drawing another author’s idea or language without proper crediting the primary source in your paper. Whether the source is a book written by a known…
Language arts classes are all about developing creativity but some students may be reluctant to work on writing essays. The lack of enthusiasm in such classes can be easily explained….
We are lucky to live in modern times when many STEM programs for American youth are easily available. There are different types of them and their goals may vary greatly….
Writing a perfect sentence is an art and each writer should master it if he or she wants to become recognized. Check out our selection of unique pieces of advice…
If you’re reading this article, it is likely that you struggle with students’ time management and personal organization while being in high-school. First of all, don’t panic since you are…
Teaching statement is considered to be a standard requirement for an application package in academia. It is a statement of reflection and a philosophical framework of your personal approach to…
Each of us at least once in our life has dreamed of becoming a writer bringing your own valuable contribution to the world’s heritage. People think (or like to think)…
In modern days, you don’t have to be a student of a particular college or university in order to have access to various courses, tutorials and lectures of notable professors….
Many students think that Google Drive is all about creating spreadsheets and storing files. In fact, this powerful service has a huge variety of tools applying which can effectively optimize…