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Category: HealthEducation

Essay on How to Manage your Procrastination Correctly
Tips to manage procrastination

Studies have shown that around 80 percent of students are struggling with procrastination on a daily basis. While it may seem like a minor issue and does not significantly impact…

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The Most Essential Tools to Make Your Work from Work Efficient
Essential tools to work from home

Sitting on the balcony with an embarrassingly huge cup of coffee and working from home turn out to be a dream for many of us. Luckily, more and more people…

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Story a Day Keeps the Doctor Away! Improving your health with writing
Enhance Your Well-Being with Useful Tips on Writing

When was the last time you were writing an essay or a story? Not a research paper, but a note about your exciting day. If it’s been a while, you…

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Essay on Deinstitutionalization of Mental Health Patient
Essay on Deinstitutionalization of Mental Health Patient

Creating alternative facilities to reduce mental illnesses Deinstitutionalization is the replacement of psychiatric facilities with community-based interventions to care for people with mental illness as a way of reducing their…

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Essay On How Modern University Facilitates Scholar’s Depression
The modern university facilitates academic’s depression

The fast pace of university life coupled with a long list of seemingly meaningless procedures may often precipitate an outbreak or exacerbation of a depressed scholar’s neurosis. Here you can…

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How to Improve Your Mental Health
Improve Your Mental Health

Nowadays, keeping a journal where you write down your thoughts and feelings proved to be an effective emotion management tool. If you found yourself in the situation when you struggle…

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Essay on how to lose weight: advice approved by scientists
How to Lose Weight Fast: Simple and Effective Steps, Based on Science

Most popular ways to make you become slim fast will make you unsatisfied, stressed and hungry. However, hunger might be harmful for your health as well as your nerves, especially…

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Changing your daily habits will bring you an outstanding result
Habits Leading to Huge Results

Everyone wants to be successful. However, a simple desire is not enough. To achieve this goal you need to work hard. In order to develop the qualities that determine success,…

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The atmosphere of Hygge books
The “Hygge” effect

Winter can be considered as the most depressive season. Many people around the world do not like this time and there are many reasons behind this. However, we can show…

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Visiting Christmas Markets in Europe. Winter activities for Students
The Greatest European Christmas Markets

Christmas is the most magical period of the year, especially if you spend the holiday in Europe. People of all ages are waiting for the warm atmosphere that fills everything…

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