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8 Tips on How to Improve Your Writing Skills

8 Tips on How to Improve Your Writing Skills

Writing is an exciting occupation that can help you express your thoughts, feelings, develop your imagination, and become more self-disciplined. However, it is also a hobby that requires a lot of efforts and self-improvement.

Guide for students

You should constantly work on your writing skills if you want to sound educated, interesting, and intriguing. Thus, we can offer you eight useful tips that can help you improve your essay writing. They do not depend on each other, so you can take up only some of them and try them all in random order.

Keep One-Sentence Journal

This exercise is great for beginners, as it does not require much time or any special skills. Just take a notebook and a pencil and make sure that you write one sentence every day. Try not to miss a single day!

Write a Haiku

A haiku is a Japanese poem that consists of only three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second one has 7, and the third line – 5 syllables as wells. At first, such poems may lack sense, but everything good comes with practice.


Create a Twitter account and start writing posts there. Tweets have only 140 characters, so you should be laconic. This skill is extremely important for a writer. The more sense you can put in one sentence the better.

Write a Love Letter

There is an amazing community, called The World Needs More Love Letters. You can try to write a letter to one of its members and bring some happiness to the world. It is also an excellent way to express the feelings that overwhelm you.


Improve Your Spelling

If you are not a native English speaker, you are definitely having problems with spelling. Even some native speakers do! One way to work on this skill is dictation. Just pick one of the videos from TED, or FluentU, find an interesting movie or audiobook and write down what you hear. After that compare your result with the transcript.

Remember Your Dreams

You do not even need to get up from your bed to do this exercise. Just put a notebook and a pen somewhere near. Try to write down your dreams every morning. The more details you can remember the better. It is a nice way to practice English and enrich your vocabulary.

Become a Redditor

Create an account at Reddit and post comments on the topic that are of interest to you. It can be a post of any length. Try to write at least one comment a week. Later on, you can challenge yourself with five posts during the same time.

Create Stories with Strangers

You can participate in a thrilling online writing game, called Storium. It is an excellent opportunity to become a co-writer of a fascinating story. Every player gets a card that hints at plot development. Then, all the participants write a story in turns.

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