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You are speaking emoji

You are speaking emoji

It’s easy to believe emoji overtake the civilized world. They are literally everywhere, tiny smiling faces and smirks that are intended to replace the actual language. Without giving it a second thought, you would probably mark them as useless, but people do not and here is why. Really, why does one need to include an emoji into a tweet or a personal message? Read our post and you will order an essay with emoji next time!


Emoji are familiar to everyone. You could have a language barrier between you, but once you send a face with a smile of excitement, the deal is sealed. There have been rumors about eliminating racial discrimination when it comes to the online language, and large companies promise you will soon be able to change the color of the face on screen.

It is important, since we share information real-time, and want it to be up-to-date and sharp. Another significant benefit that brings us to using symbols in our daily life is the emoji simplicity. If you don’t know how to handle an awkward situation and there is no possible way you can do it face to face, tweeting with a picture could be a rescue. The flexibility of this language is astonishing.

If we look back at history, we will most certainly find the evidence of human communication in pictograms, which proves pictures existed since the dawn of time. They were used to express an emotion, and caused scientists to scratch their heads when talking about the literal representation. We are more than sure emoji accompany you throughout your life, and when you don’t want to type the word, you can simply use an app on your phone to bring more meaning to communication. Emoji are used in the variety of contexts. They are interrelated and easily recognizable, even if you are texting in another language.


Expressing emotion

Many people have reported emoji have helped them to catch up with old friends and reach out to colleagues, when they are not by their side. For example, a smiley face and a picture of a chick with the arms outstretched in a greeting gesture would symbolize positive acceptance, and most of the users claim they do attach faces to their e-mails.

Living in a better world would mean we have to create communication ways, that are friendly and professional at the same time, and emoji can be really helpful in the art of daily interactions and relations. Why is that happening? For some of the teenagers, emoji have become a part of life.

They learn through symbolism and transfer the friendliness of everyday situations to the online world, with faces and expressions being their only helpers. Some parents and teachers, who don’t like the emoji culture, claim it is the decay of the written language, and you don’t need words where you can render an emotion with a picture.


However, the answer, as it always is, does not lie on the surface. First, there are no violent emoji as far as we know, and a teenager cannot display aggression with a pic that implies positive context. You probably don’t need an emoji when communicating with your boss, but there is a necessity for smiles when you want to make your letter more affectionate.

According to the research, people, who used emoji in real life and at work, were considered sensitive and caring, while their partners, who ignored symbolism in daily messages, came across as rude and unapologizing. The softening power of an emoji is witnessed throughout history of a relationship, and if we want to produce an impression, there is probably no better way. Moreover, you still have the linguistic ability to share an opinion, and with the abundance of social networks, possibilities are numerous.

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