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How to understand your value of education

How to understand your value of education

How can you find yourself and understand the true value of education? Do you have the courage to open the treasures that are hidden inside you? These are good questions that come from philosophy and history is still trying to answer them. For example, a famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that accepting the difficulties is essential for a satisfying life.


He considered the way of self-discovery one of the most existential difficulties and being in his thirties, brought up the question of how we find ourselves in an written essay named Schopenhauer as Educator. Nietzsche wrote: any human being that does not want to be a part of the crowd, should not make it easy for himself. You need to follow your conscience and be yourself because everything you are thinking, doing, desiring now is not real you.

A bit of philosophy

When you are young and hear this call every single day, you feel excited at the thought of the degree of happiness prepared for you if you think about your true emancipation. There is no way to help you achieve this happiness as long as it remains enchained with fear and opinion. Life without emancipation is so hopeless and meaningless! There is no man more desperate than the one who has avoided his own genius and who squints in different directions looking for it.


The only antidote Nietzsche accepts for it is the proclamation of Picasso that you never know how to draw until you start drawing. The philosopher believes that no one can literally build a bridge that you should cross over the river of your life. Such bridges can be countless and there are demigods that can help you get over them: the only price you need to pay is to forget who you really are. There is no path in the world someone else can walk for you – no matter where it leads you, just walk forward.

What Nietzsche says

The path Nietzsche is talking about is the path to finding your true self: however, this is not light. How can you know yourself? This is a dark and mysterious thing because no one knows how deep you should dive to see your true self which is also very painful. You can give yourself such injuries that no doctor can help with and everything is the witness of our being: memories, friendships, glances, handshakes, our books, and pens. Ask your soul a question: what have you really loved so far? What raised your soul, what things dominated, what brought you delight? Put these objects in a row before you and maybe they will reveal the secret of your self.


Look at these objects carefully: compare them, see how they differ, enlarge, interact. They will form a ladder of the steps you need to climb to open your true self. With these words, Nietzsche describes the real role of education in the process of digging to find your true self. Something similar considered Parker Palmer one century later. He wrote that your real educators will show you the original sense of your being which is always difficult to understand and accept. This is the secret of the culture: we are not the ones with artificial brows, lips, and noses, we are natural.

Nietzsche concludes that there may be many other methods of finding ourselves but nothing is better than reflecting upon our educators. Stay with Darwin Essay writers team!

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