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Education marketing trends which are useful to follow

Education marketing trends which are useful to follow

Nowadays SEO, content and email marketing play an important role, still you are to keep your eye on education marketing not to be left behind. So let`s check the main trends for 2017!


The development of video

Nowadays the popularity of video, especially live stream is growing. More than 86 percent of colleges have their YouTube channels, so knowledge on video making is no longer optional.

We all know about the development of Facebook Live which is available to everyone. The same we can say about live stream on YouTube.

Lectures and lessons can be held online or recorded. All school events can be also shot, if permitted. It`s the beginning of new era of video. Interesting, easy and funny!

A great value of experiences

If you have some interesting experience, then it`s a good plus for you to get easily connected with other people.

It`s very important to have someone who can tell everything about this or that and in addition, share with own feelings and thoughts. Think how many times your school visits meetings and commitments for recruitment. But it`s too simple and boring just to have own table. You should go further and create something really cool and you can do this if you want!


People like sharing their first experience, whether it was successful or not, and it`s a great way to catch this information through video.

Personalized content

We are all used to common content and information. You are to start thinking different, create your own content which should be personalized. And this is not about your email.

Try to pay attention to all things on your website. The links which you insert, they should be attractive and encouraging. The data you use should be checked and well thought-out. If you want to gain success then you are to be a good observer. You are to research which content students of your school will consume quickly, what they like most of all, which format etc.

You can be ignored because of poor content, but what is more, your content can be shared and remembered as a bad example.

Get along with Snapchat

Snapchat is the social media which is currently developing at high speed. So you`d better take this into account! You can share here short videos, images or even make some longer videos which are called “stories”.

It`s really cool to use it on campus, for instance. If you give some clues of where you are and others are trying to guess the location. In this case, it`s a good chance to show everyone the campus and even some secret places.

Snapchat works like Instagram and Twitter, with the help of hashtags. So use the right ones to let more students of your establishment find you!


Marketing of influencing

If you have really good content, still you may face some difficulties in getting more people involved. You need a person or even several who can be your influence makers, who can persuade people and encourage them believe your content is a good one. Those people have own cooperating team who also help them with this deal.

You can ask influencers to spread your content and make it popular, they can even take some interviews in your school. This will surely work to your benefit.

If you know a famous person on Instagram, you can ask her/him to share a phot with your creative students to encourage them work better. This all is about your own imagination and creativity. So think high!

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