Which challenges will the global higher education face in the next few years?
We all need high quality higher education like never before. It will help overcome difficulties some countries face today and create better future for next generations. Our world is rapidly changing.
However, some global changes are not for the best. Current global crises can influence education in a bad way. Universities should prove the value and potential of higher education and modernize some of its aspects. So, what challenges must higher education overcome to contribute best to the world community?
National competition for students will intensify
As economies develop, the higher education will become more important as it is a source of professional workforce. A lot of countries will be interested in recruiting the best students to make their life more prosperous. The best offers will be made to retain the most promising students in their home country. By means of targeted incentives, the most talented people will be enticed to study and work in their native towns and cities. Authorities will create diasporas and new student flows. They will do their best to demonstrate the value returned from studying.
Transparency on education
In the not-too-distant future we will need more reports which will clarify what students know and can do. It will help provide the necessary changes in institutions, markets, and technologies. People should get better information about education. As the information about education outcomes will become more available, we will be able to know what exactly higher education contributes. Moreover, transparency is a linchpin to successful future of any country.
New forms of leadership
The broadening of the leadership capabilities is extremely important in order to confront the future challenges. People should gain more work experience and knowledge to respond to diverse needs of communities and requirements of industries. That is why new job-training and recruitment are needed.
The changes in academic work
Higher education reforms promote some changes in academic work. Due to new forms of research and education, new specialized forms of work will be created. 21st – century academic work will create new kinds of workforces and roles.
The value of higher education
Does higher education create an enormous value? It is the most asked question among the young people nowadays. Is higher education really worth out time, money, and efforts? Higher education can help people make a success, improve them, and make them better citizens of their country. People should remember that high quality higher education is a catalyst of all positive and innovative changes in our society. That is why it is very important to tell people about the future options that higher education offers.
Creating new contributions
New forms of governance, new system architectures, and new funding reforms have a significant influence on higher education. It goes without saying that the cost of teaching, studying, and research is very important for all strata of the population. Higher education will support developing countries revealing their rich academic cultures and scientific capacities.
Research becomes geopolitical
Many countries work on the joint scientific projects that require serious investments. Some scientific issues need big teams of experienced scientists who would be able to share advanced expertise and diverse perspectives. In the near future, countries will strengthen their transnational networks and tighten investments around their strategic academic interests. Universities have to invest in basic fields which make significant profits to the state.
Commercializing core business
Education and research business is constantly changing in today`s world. A lot of traditional academic approaches have become outdated. Higher educational establishments should know everything about the current corporate changes. More universities will partner with commercial companies in order to outsource and co-source teaching work.