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Category: Academic writing and Grammar

Best Lifehacks for Law Students for Studies, Career, and Private Life
Best Lifehacks for Law Students

If you are a law student, you may experience certain daily difficulties. You may want to find out how to deal with them. We can provide the most helpful lifehacks…

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How to Write a Great Essay for Your Needs
Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay

Students who are assigned to prepare an essay are usually asked to deal with a single subject and illustrate their opinions on the topic. Whether it will have an informative…

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Writing an Essay. Five Simple Grammar Mistakes You Can Avoid
Learn These Rules Once and Forever

Every day, we repeat the easiest grammar errors, which we could avoid easily. The auto-correction helps with evident mistakes, but it’s not as smart as a human, and the student’s…

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How to write with Active and Passive Voice in Scientific Essay
How  to Use an Active and Passive Voice in Scientific Paper?

The use and relevance of active and passive voice in scientific literature is being reviewed recently. Previously, the passive voice did not give in to doubt – it was the…

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Writing Tips to Make Your Business Writing More Effective
How to Write about Business without Being Boring

Emails, messages, articles, blog posts — everything you write at work can say a lot about your business. Explicit writing makes readers want to come back for more. Conversely, complicated,…

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Essay Writing on How to Make Students Express Their Mind
How to Make Students Speak?

Every subject and lesson requires verbal contact and interaction between the teacher and students. Even during lectures, it is significant to follow the students’ reactions, initiate questions and receive feedback…

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Writing an Impressive Social Media Bio with DarwinEssayNet
How to Write A Winning Social Media Bio

Being a blogger or a vlogger is a profession nowadays, so you have to be attentive when you writing a description to your YouTube account or pre-bio or writing a…

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The Way of Writing a Proper Conclusion for a Research Paper
How to Write the Right Conclusion for a Research Paper

The conclusion is viewed as the final thought of your research paper. It is the last paragraph, which contains a short indication of the whole work and mentioning of future…

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Writing Paper on Definition of Morality
The concept of morality and how it came to exist among human beings

The source of morality among human beings has generated numerous debates among scholars who have different theoretical approaches towards the matter. The intriguing nature of moral standing among children and…

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Essay on Distinction in Syntax to Human Communication
The Begining of Empirical Research on Google Scholar

“‘Syntax’ means ‘sentence construction’: how words group together to make phrases and sentences.” (Tallerman, 2011, p. 1). This refers to the way sentences are formed and intentions are transposed into meaningful…

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