How to Write a Cover Letter. Step-by-Step Instruction and Useful Tips

It often happens that, when sending their resume, applicants decide not to bother and do not attach cover letter at all, or simply send off an old sample that was written for the previous job. Unfortunately, both ways are wrong because neither the absence of cover letter nor its neglecting will end up good for you.


Hiring managers receive hundreds if not thousands of impressive resumes and cover letters.

Do you think they are looking forward to reading something boring and mediocre? It is hardly so. Then try to guess what will happen to a cover letter written in a careless way? Right, it will either not be noticed or will be buried under the piles of the same boring cover letters.

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What Steps to Take to Become a Successful Business Blogger

If you think that the only thing you need is good essay writing skills, you will be probably disappointed because it is not so.


Blogging is a well-known way to make your business more popular on the net. However, as long as it is a popular tool, you have probably asked yourself: How is it possible to make my own blog stand out? How to make it attractive and interesting for people? Well, there are several easy steps to achieve that goal!

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Competition as a Way to Becoming a Better Team Member

We are lucky to live in modern times when many STEM programs for American youth are easily available. There are different types of them and their goals may vary greatly. Yet, one of the features that these programs have in common is such an aspect as competition. Many view it as a subset simply because they don’t see the true value of the rivalry.


In fact, there are many examples that showcase that competition is not the aspect that creates an atmosphere of animosity and breeds enemies but it can help any person become a good member of the collaboration.

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Student’s Guide. How to become a more organized student

If you’re reading this article, it is likely that you struggle with students’ time management and personal organization while being in high-school.

First of all, don’t panic since you are not alone and many students worldwide face such issues all the time.


Second, it’s great that you’ve managed to pinpoint that you have a problem since many people might prefer to stay oblivious and deny that they have any issues whatsoever.

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Was the U.S. education system actually fixed?

In the past, poor children and children of color were not admitted by the American schools. Fortunately, some political leaders did their best to combat this serious issue. They decided that it would be a great idea to measure progress in order to achieve better results in the educational sphere. An actual essay on the education system in America. will give you more information on the process and different aspects.


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Get to know the most interesting facts about Hadi Partovi

Everybody who is keen on computer science must definitely know this famous name. Hadi Partovi has launched the education nonprofit that aims at expanding access to computer science at schools. Here, in our blog, we want you to know about some facts from an essay on life Hadi Partovi, the founder 20corneroffice-promo-facebookJumbo

Learn more about the Iranian immigrant who did his best to achieve enormous success in the technology industry.

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