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Category: Society

Things in tech we are to know now. You will be surprised
Things in tech that will definitely surprise you

The world of technology is constantly changing. The world-famous companies never stop surprising us with their novelties. Here is the technology news you have to know exactly today.

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Think, search and find, using  “Vuja De” method
The power of “Vuja De” helps us to become better questioners

Are you jealous of the people, who have a lot of different emotions every day? Do you want to be a researcher, traveller or at least to experience some events,…

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Success formula from Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules of Success

Steve Jobs is the example to follow for millions of businessmen, who only start their professional development and are often lost on the way to their sphere of interest. How…

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High Sierra new ‘fully baked’ operating system
The most notable features of macOS High Sierra

MacOS High Sierra (version 10.13) is the fourteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc. `s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. It aims to refine and improve the…

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The most expensive paintings by world-famous cubist Pablo Picasso
Which paintings of Pablo Picasso are the most expensive?

Pablo Picasso`s impact on art is tremendous. This Spanish born artist is world-famous for his incredible versatility, creative and eccentric style, and eye for artistic creation. He was the father…

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Coloring and depression. Ways to fight anxiety
Combating stress with coloring

You may argue that coloring was made for children, but we beg to disagree. In the academic paper, published recently, researchers prove that it is an activity that de-stresses you…

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What is love? Making choices
The definition of real love

We all know that real love has nothing in common with romantic representation in the popular literature, yet we fall into the same trap of believing the pattern again and…

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Spending time near the lake is pretty good idea for summer
10 breathtaking US lakes for summer holidays

If you want to spend your summer holidays in some beautiful and affordable places, then the USA has something to offer. A good choice can be the rest near the…

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Life-changing tips. What we do to achieve our goals
Tips that can explain a lot and help you feel prepared

We’ve discovered that there are some ultimate tips and hacks that can make your life easier. Words of wisdom we often hear from others may change our perception of the…

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Attractive Opportunities for studying young choreographers
Young Choreographer Project

There are a lot of young enthusiast, who attend dance classes and for many of them choreography becomes the sense of life and carrier dream. It is great when people…

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